The Slow Murder of Gaza

October 26, 2023 — Elron X

A dark corner has been turned for the Palestinian people. What lies in that darkness may be a crime against humanity perpetrated against them by an apartheid state, a crime not taken lightly: genocide. When the rebel group Hamas (حماس) broke free of the open-air prison known as the Gaza Strip and upon unsuspecting Kibbutzim — spilling into Southern Israel — there was no turning back for true Palestinian liberation nor Netanyahu's fascistic project, enabled by the United States. More bombs are dropped on the heads of Palestinian people than ever before, with over 6500 dead and over 50%~ of housing stock annihilated from Israel's strikes as of this writing.

The media environment in which this conflict is being broadcasted to is rife with elements of the disastrous 2001-2003 period in which the United States became drunk with rage. With this same rage like a fire Israel is poised to commit a critical mistake that will end Israel's right to existence in the eyes of many, the cleansing of the Palestinian people from Gaza Strip. The world now sees the unfortunate truth that Israel is impervious to criticism as America's Middle East proxy-state; where does American power lie after the constant and obvious obfuscations, lies, cover-ups, dishonesty and mudding of waters? And a broader question for those not acquainted with the realities of realpolitik and power, when has a revolution ever been clean, or the common refrain: what has the world come to?

An October Revolt

The first rumblings of an incursion into Southern Israel came from social media reports of armed men riding in the back of trucks through Southern Israel close to the border with Gaza.

Hamas taking potshots at police while riding around a southern Israeli city in a pickup in the first few hours of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood/Storm October 7th.

Hamas successfully performed a multi-step, multi-year plan (with nary a leak) to cause as much grief to Israel as resources allowed, with maximum humiliation, with maximum speed — they did what no Western intelligence official thought was possible and caught the world-renowned Israeli intelligence community completely and utterly off-guard, embarrassing Israel permanently. The very likely end-goal of this Operation Al-Aqsa Storm/Flood is to move into a new era of struggle for the Palestinian people languishing under the withering eye of the apartheid state. By goading Israel into the ultimate mistake, Hamas may have pulled off an highly intelligent operation at the known expense of the vast majority of its members dying violently.

Flying Hamas

An extremely creative way to get around the walls that surround Gaza Strip.

There was not one serious 'analyst' who thought Israel would be complacent enough to allow for a major breakthrough of the walls that surround Gaza. Soon after this video was posted on various forums pictures started coming through of killed Israelis lying in pools of blood all over the streets, an Israeli tank destroyed at the opening of the wall with Gaza, people recording scores of dead soldiers — the (now unfortunate) personification of the state — and stomping on their corpses in fury.

People being captured by Hamas

Hamas members capturing people.

The illusion of security was shattered. Israeli soldiers fought with Hamas while hundreds of festival-goers were killed by crossfire. Security theatre has been pervasive since 9/11 in the U.S. and many believed Israel tried avoiding these superficial displays, especially after the second Intifada. The truth is much more harsh and to this very second this thing, this truth is refusing to be seen as viable to the Knesset, Israeli society at large, the American political establishment: as long as Palestine is not free there can never been anything but security theatre.

Cleansing the Strip

Hostage taking as a strategy to prevent aerial and artillery bombardment to have certain demands met is viable and works if your opponent has a conscience. You can see the same behaviour in prison riots where the prisoners — having been mistreated for so long — riot, and then commit the inhuman act of hostage-taking in order to receive some amount of humanity. An indecent act to achieve some human decency. In this case Hamas was caught unaware, and thus began the largest most indiscriminate bombing campaign of Gaza in history.

Two Hamas soldiers look on.

Two Hamas soldiers look on.

Israel decided to give a very thread-bare pretense of a thought to the people of Gaza and ordered a 24-hour evacuation of its northern half. The world got to watch in horror as around 1.1 million souls were told to leave homes they knew would be nothing but rubble when or if they returned. As these people fled their homes they did not find refuge in the south of the strip as was assumed but instead found that Israel had seemingly corralled them into a tighter space in order to bomb them more effectively.

Severly shocked and injured Palestinian girl near rubble in Southern Gaza.

Severly shocked and injured Palestinian girl near rubble in Southern Gaza.

Every day bombs drop in Gaza, every day a new family is murdered. A whole history of a name is gone with the victims of this war. Israel continues to withhold critical aid from the Palestinians in Gaza, food, water, fuel and loses more and more credibility in the eyes of every nation. The families of those taken into Gaza as shields against Israeli bombs are going to have to watch as their government led by the criminal Benjamin Netanyahu annihilate their relatives, and they'll have to square that circle of hating Palestinians yet knowing that the ones who pulled the trigger was the Israeli 'Defense' Forces.

The 51st State

America's Zionist project in the Middle East cannot fail. The United States would rather see hellfire rain on the innocent nations of the world than let Israel collapse (an unlimited entropy tries hard to bring about this failing). Israel is America's darling and its existence means more to politicians in Washington than any mass of poor and hungry and homeless that inhabit any populous state in the United States.

Money flows unlimited to Israel. Anything Israel wants Israel can have, the Knesset in some ways enjoys unfettered access to the tax-paying coffers of the United States for weapons. Anyone questioning the feasibility of propping up this failing apartheid state not only has their political wings clipped but suffers accusations of the deep rot of anti-semitism. All this while institutions and government bodies force initiates to sign oaths to not boycott Israel, an obvious contradiction to supposed American values. Those questioners of why we do what we do for Israel have scrutinized motives that are examined as if the very idea of trying to rein in spending on this (obvious) 51st state is tantamount to enjoying a second holocaust or industrial human slaughter. The very hollow defence is intellectually dishonest and deeply disgraces the memory of those Jewish victims who were murdered by the societal sickness of Nazism.

So many Israeli-Americans and their descendants — being fed propaganda that go back decades — truly feel either that Palestine does not deserve to exist, that Palestine never existed, that Palestinians are not a real people or a combination of the aforementioned.

Pro-Israelis and Pro-Palestinians go head-to-head in NYC October 8th.

Pro-Israelis and Pro-Palestinians go head-to-head in NYC October 8th.

In many ways since this war so many of them have become the newest fanatics of an ultra-right state. Foot-soldiers of the Israeli-right, weeping crocodile tears (as Norman Finkelstein once aptly responded) in front of school administrators, protesting in simultaneous support of the genocide-project while shouting down those in support of Palestinian existence. These same lost souls dominate internet discussion, with many confidently using Judaism as a cudgel to defend apartheid-Israel against any perceived detractors. Even ones that should know better than to feign victimhood find themselves claiming that proclamations of allegiance to the Israeli genocidal cause might 'cost them their jobs' as if the entire American media apparatus isn't working overtime to inculcate pro-Israeli positions to every unwitting Westerner. These fanatics have truly overplayed their hand, and with every reply and every exaggeration they only exacerbate an atmosphere of contempt for their fascist state.

American Culpability X

Instead of controlling their other half the United States under Biden decided to forgo any pretense of morality or humanity — he gave in from the outset like all modern presidents do to Christian Dominionists — and gave Israel carte blanche to perform any act of horror they could imagine, in and of itself a deep moral crime.

What's worse than staying mum while rampage and hate-incarnate Israel rapes and then kills the Gaza Strip is active screening and defense for said acts. All the mouth-pieces of the state such as CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, NYT and the rest continuously cover the conflict with their single-sided coverage from Tel-Aviv and amidst the tanks waiting for a chance to annihilate Gaza, only occasionally touching on the immense human suffering happening in there, that other place. As the crimes become more egregious and impossible to hide one can watch these feckless careerists in real-time attempt to untangle the gordian knot of cognitive dissonance in their poisoned minds.

Secretary of State Blinken and Biden himself have been blitzing all over the Middle East as soon as Israel's response began escalating violence. Israel bombs hospitals such as Al Awda, and the United States covers for their hollow excuses of Hamas 'weapons' hiding in between oxygen tanks and stretchers of dying and dead Palestinians.

Al-Ahli Arab Hospital and the very pathetic media reaction against thorough investigation in the days after was one of the final straws for not only many Westerners but for many in the Arab world. The rush to defend Israel by the United States and its allies despite Israel's amateurish attempts at fabricating evidence within the first 24 hours of the bombing will be in history books — for hopefully the right reasons.

And now, even today, a well-known reporter from one of the only outlets with a humanist approach to this conflict Al-Jazeera has had his entire family murdered by airstrike. All this conspiratorially not just hours after Secretary Blinken personally asked Qatar to calm Al-Jazeera from their radicalising coverage of this ongoing genocide.

Until the Hague is trying everyone enabling and involved in these crimes against humanity from all 'allied' nations there will be no justice on this earth. This can only end badly for the United States, another decade, another war in the Middle East, another crushing Neoliberal miscalculation.

There are ideas and observations of events so many of us think but pretend not to know, and to especially never speak aloud.

  • Any occupied or imprisoned population has the right to violent reprisal and rebellion.

  • The Gaza Strip is going to be erased by Israel, the United States, its media, and its allies are allowing it, covering for them, and wants U.S. citizens and citizens abroad to support it vociferously. Anyone who wants to stay in the good graces of the corporation masquerading as a country known as the USA is required to play along.

  • Anyone against this crime against humanity will face immense social pressure; anyone who displays anything but the unwavering support for Israel will not only to be fired, but blacklisted from their social circles, ostracized, and condemned to irrelevancy in all forms.

  • The United States will start any war needed to cover its fascistic protectorate Israel, no matter the cost to humanity.

1: Gaza Hospital Explosion
2: Don't Boycott Israel Clause
3: Fears grow that Israel has ‘no plan’ agreed for postwar Gaza
4: Blinken says he asked Qatari PM to rein in Al Jazeera war coverage
4: Poor Israeli propaganda

Tags: MiddleEast, Politics, Genocide