The Slow Murder of Gaza

October 26, 2023 — Elron X

A dark corner has been turned for the Palestinian people. What lies in that darkness may be a crime against humanity perpetrated against them by an apartheid state, a crime not taken lightly: genocide. When the rebel group Hamas (حماس) broke free of the open-air prison known as the Gaza Strip and upon unsuspecting Kibbutzim — spilling into Southern Israel — there was no turning back for true Palestinian liberation nor Netanyahu's fascistic project, enabled by the United States. More bombs are dropped on the heads of Palestinian people than ever before, with over 6500 dead and over 50%~ of housing stock annihilated from Israel's strikes as of this writing.

The media environment in which this conflict is being broadcasted to is rife with elements of the disastrous 2001-2003 period in which the United States became drunk with rage. With this same rage like a fire Israel is poised to commit a critical mistake that will end Israel's right to existence in the eyes of many, the cleansing of the Palestinian people from Gaza Strip. The world now sees the unfortunate truth that Israel is impervious to criticism as America's Middle East proxy-state; where does American power lie after the constant and obvious obfuscations, lies, cover-ups, dishonesty and mudding of waters? And a broader question for those not acquainted with the realities of realpolitik and power, when has a revolution ever been clean, or the common refrain: what has the world come to?